Feet up at Foxy's Bar, BVI'S

Feet up at Foxy's Bar, BVI'S

Monday, May 17, 2010

Tobermory or Bust!

We made it!!!  We pulled up anchor at Christian Island at 5:15 am and headed Northwest for Tobermory.  After 12 hours of motor sailing, we arrived safely. : )  Beautiful weather, Georgian Bay was calm, thank the Lord! We had opportunity to do some jobs that needed doing, such as, putting in the reef lines, etc.  Both of our faces are red, it's cool out on that water!  We pulled into the fuel dock at Tobermory and the dockmaster asked how big our boat was, Doug answered 40 feet, he answered "ah, looks like 20 feet to me" and gave us a deal, sweet!
We are getting up before sunrise again to get a head start on the day, we are heading to Bayfield.  Let's hope the weather stays in our favour for the rest of our trip.
Meg & Dea, we are at the same dock as the ChiChiMan, remember we took that when you girls were just little farts, and Brisket too?  Ahh, the memories : )

Zingara back to 16.......


Unknown said...

So happy for you guys...I bet its beautiful out there. Keep in touch! Randy and I can't wait to visit!

Unknown said...

Hi guys! Can't wait to see your pictures so far. Stay safe! Here is stalking you!!


Unknown said...

Hey guys. How are you doing? Where are you landing Friday night? Call us tomorrow to talk about the weekend.

Love Christine and Terry